As a Geographer, Mary Bates is fascinated with everything in nature, as well as intrigued by all things cultural. Geography encompasses the Natural Science and the Social Science spectrum of education.
Her love of the physical side of Geography was nurtured through studying geology, mineralogy, petrology, geologic maps, plate tectonics, geomorphology, vegetation, and both taking and leading hundreds of field trips. Weather, climate patterns, biogeography, energy, and history continue to capture her interests.
Mary’s love of the social human side of Geography was nurtured through her love of people in general, cities and architecture, transportation, history, listening to others, studying belief and spiritual systems, mental health, and discovering why people are so unique and fascinating across the world.
After high school, she worked in the medical profession, then married and stayed home raising 3 children. Returning to college in 1983 mostly part-time, she never looked back. Her early college education focused on business, psychology, early childhood education, and architecture, before finally deciding upon Geography. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Geography in 1993 and Master of Arts in Geography in 1999 (including a minor in Geology) both from the California State University at Northridge, California.
Mary has been teaching for 20 years at College of the Canyons. She has made professional Scholarly Presentations and conducted field trips for hundreds, at the college and other venues such as museums, geologic societies, and local geology and hiking clubs.