Mountain Lions can also be called Pumas, Cougars, Panthers, Catamounts and less often, Red Tigers. Mountain Lions need large swaths of land. Males need 100 square miles and females need 50 square miles to support themselves. If another cat enters their territories, they will be chased out, or they will fight to the death. Young, dispersing cats are liable to be gravely injured by entering another’s territory. They will often learn quickly to make a hasty exit. This is a large, hefty cat that prefers preying on deer or other ungulates. It will feed on a deer for 3-4 days, then, desert the carcass for the smaller animals to ravage. In another 3-4 days, it will hunt for another deer. It tends to follow the deer herd. But, they will also eat rabbits and other smaller animals that can be found in their environment. Mountain Lions are solitary creatures. They do not travel in packs or hunt in packs. If more than one is seen together, it’s usually a cub with his mother, or several dispersing cubs.

These cats generally avoid people, although sometimes old and sick or young Mountain Lions have been known to attack people. People on bicycles, runners, or those moving particularly fast will attract the cats and kick in their prey instinct. All of their traditional prey animals are 4 legged, so humans don’t usually attract them. But the young, sick and old are more desperate for food, and might be attracted to slower moving two-legged people. If you are hiking in a rural area, it’s always desirable to have a companion with you. If you see a Mountain Lion, do not run, do not make yourself smaller, and do not approach the cat. Instead, try to look larger, throw rocks, and make lots of noise. The cat most likely will retreat.