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Mike McIntyre
Mike McIntyre was the first Heritage Resource Program Manager for the Angeles National Forest and, as such, was responsible for the management of the St. Francis Dam Site as a Class I Heritage Resource Property. He was involved in ensuring that Forest Service projects would not affect those values that the St. Francis Dam possesses, reflecting its significance.
Mike developed a contract with San Buenaventura Research Associates to prepare a National Register of Historic Places nomination, which was submitted to the Keeper of the National Register. The nomination was returned for additional map work.
In the latest round of Forest Planning, he was able to designate the St. Francis Dam site as a Special Interest Area for its heritage values. As part of his Forest Service activities, Mike met with local individuals, groups, governmental entities, and other interested parties to develop opportunities to enhance and interpret the St. Francis Dam site and the heritage significance associated with it.
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes